Famous Couples in History
You love Local Hot Chat. It’s your favorite local chat service for hot free chat. Maybe you’ve already met that special someone in a phone chat and are wondering if he or she is really … the one. It’s a tough order to fill, especially when you consider some of the most interesting couples in history. The website Hankering for History put together a list of famous couples in history ranging from Abraham and Mary Lincoln to Bonnie and Clyde. Here are a few of our favorites:
John and Abigail Adams
John Adams was 2nd President of the United States and father of 6th President John Quincy Adams. He was a Harvard graduate, and a lawyer. He helped draft the Declaration of Independence, and was both a diplomat and a legislator. Abigail Smith was daughter of a parson, home-schooled but well-read. Because of the lack of girls’ education at the time, Abigail Smith stood out for her open-mindedness, intellect, and interest in politics and philosophy. She and her husband wrote over 1,100 letters to one another over the course of his various careers. The letters were full of political news and ideas, shared between equals.
Pierre and Marie Curie
Marie Sklodowska was a Polish immigrant to France, planning to study at the Sorbonne in Paris. She took a degree in physics in 1893, first in her class, and a degree in mathematics in 1894, second in her class. Pierre Curie was director of the lab at the School of Industrial Physics and Chemistry in Sorbonne. This is where he first met Marie. It was Marie, looking for a subject for her doctoral thesis, who first investigated “uranium rays.” She soon discovered that thorium gave off the same rays, or radiation, and that some reaction in the element was what caused the radiation. Pierre left his own work to join her, and they made this study their life’s work. They are most famous for discovering radioactivity.
Abraham Lincoln and Mary Todd LIncoln
Mary Anne Todd was the daughter of a large landowner and slave-owner in Kentucky. Her father was part of the Kentucky legislature, and a close friend of Henry Clay of the Whig Party. As a result, Mary was well-versed and well-read in politics. Abraham Lincoln was the 16th President of the U.S., and brought his nation through the Civil War intact. Both Abraham and Mary Lincoln were strongly abolitionist, the wife as forward about her views as her husband. Despite facing much criticism as a Southern-born daughter of a slave-owner, Mary gave political advice and recommendations to her husband. She also organized private funds for the aid of both Federal soldiers and freed slaves.
Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo
Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo were both Mexican artists, who pushed the boundaries of Mexican art and expression. Diego Rivera studied cubist, post-impressionist, and Renaissance art. In Mexico, his art themes glorified the Mexican Revolution, and the beauty of ordinary life. Frida Kahlo was Mexican-Indian-German, and her early life was characterized by polio and a bus accident which broke many bones in her body. She was mostly introspective. She loved and appreciated Mexican culture, especially her Indian culture. Diego Rivera was her strongest supporter, and he called her “the greatest Mexican painter.”
Bonnie and Clyde
Clyde Champion Barrow was arrested for burglary; that was his first recorded crime. Bonnie Parker smuggled him a gun so he could escape; that was her first recorded crime. They stole an automobile and brought it from Dallas to Oklahoma, bringing the Federal Bureau of Investigation into the picture. Bonnie and Clyde stuck together for as long as their crime spree lasted, from 1932 to 1934. They were wanted mostly for robbery, but also for murders, especially of police officers who recognized them. They were the core of a gang that grew by degrees until they numbered 7. No list of famous notorious couples is complete without Bonnie and Clyde.
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