Using Local Hot Chat

Local Hot Chat is always sexy, fun, and exciting. And with different callers all the time, it’s a great new experience every time you call. Here’s what to expect:

  • Start by calling 1.310.746.2366 to receive your Free trial.
    No credit card is required to get your Free trial.
  • First, you’ll record a greeting that will introduce you to the other callers.
    Don’t be shy! This is your chance to share what’s special about you.
    You can re-record your greeting as many times as you like.
    Once you save it, it plays to the other callers, to let them know you’re on the line.
  • Next, listen to greetings from other callers … you can spend as long as you want.
    Hear someone you like? Send them a message! If someone’s into you, they’ll message you too.
    You can respond to anyone (or everyone!) you want–it’s always up to you.
  • Find someone really special?
    If messages are flying like sparks, invite them to join you for some 1-on-1 fun!
    Your private chats are just that–private!
    What you do is between you two.
    And when you’re done, you can still hear all the messages you received during your private phone chat.

Your greeting introduces you to other callers, so don’t be shy!
This is your chance to share what’s special about you.
Relax and take your time, because the best greetings get the most responses!
Here are some tips for recording a greeting that will help get you noticed:

  • Keep your tone positive!
    Do you sound approachable? Sexy? Strong?
    Remember, people are attracted to confidence so speak clearly and remember to smile.
  • Show off the real you by sharing your best features, interests, and passions.
    Think about what will make you stand out to other callers, and let them know!
  • Most importantly, tell them what you’re looking for!
    Whether its friendship, a relationship, or something more erotic, asking for what you want is the best way to get it.
  • It’s okay to call Local Hot Chat with your friends, but remember, if there’s more than one of you on the line, you each need to say your name in the greeting.
  • Listen to your greeting when you’re done to make sure it’s the way you want it.
    If you change your mind or what you’re looking for, you can record a new one, any time you want.

We want everyone to have a great time on Local Hot Chat.
To do your part, remember these rules when recording your greeting:

  • Absolutely no discrimination based on race, no references to illegal substances, and no references to solicitation or other illegal activities.
  • Don’t include personal contact information such as your phone number, your last name or your address.
    You can share this information in a private connection if you choose, but remember to use common sense and follow our safety tips.
  • Greetings can’t be blank or mumbled, so speak clearly, and get ready to share what’s special about you.

Hear from someone who’s not your type? Just skip the message!
If they’re really bugging you, you can even block them with the touch of a key.
Callers that you block can’t hear your greeting, and you won’t have to hear theirs either.

When you receive a message from someone who interests you–and we know you will–you can instantly exchange private messages with them, just like sending a voicemail that they’ll hear right away. When you’re ready, send a connection request to connect with them live in a totally private conversation.

A “message” is a personal voice message that you record and send to a caller who catches your attention.
Messages allow you to get to know other callers while still hearing the greetings of other callers on the line.
A “connection request” is a special type of message inviting a caller to join you in a private live conversation.

Time isn’t deducted until after you’ve recorded your greeting, when you begin to listen to greetings from other callers.
From then, time is deducted from your membership on a per-minute basis.
Memberships that are unused for a period of 30 days will be charged a 10-minute maintenance fee.
Memberships that go unused for a period of three months will be deactivated without refund.

Call our friendly customer service team toll-free at 1.877.351.6824.
For your security, you will be asked to verify personal information before we can provide your numbers.
Or call Local Hot Chat and re-enter your credit card information to establish a new user name and pass code.